ezCache https://ezcache.app Mon, 09 Sep 2019 20:41:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20 https://ezcache.app/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/cropped-Bolt_JPG-32x32.jpgezCachehttps://ezcache.app 32 32 How To Configure ezCache – WordPress Cache Pluginhttps://ezcache.app/how-to-configure-ezcache/ Mon, 09 Sep 2019 19:57:30 +0000 https://ezcache.app/?p=214 About ezCache

ezCache is an easy to use and innovative cache plugin that will help you significantly improve your website’s speed.

The plugin comes as a simple and easy installation from WordPress’s official plugins repository and without the need for advanced technical knowledge.

The plugin offers you the chance to speed up your website in a few simple steps, even without activating one of the plugin’s options, your website’s load time will be significantly reduced.

The plugin contains advanced features (PRO) of image optimization with WebP format to significantly reduce the size of images on your website, resulting in traffic reduction and shorter load times.

(All PRO features are available for up to 30 days in the free version / available for websites hosted on uPress servers)

Files Optimization - WordPress Cache Plugin

After installing the ezCache plugin – what’s next?

The first thing to look at after activating the plugin is the improvement in load time that ezCache can achieve just by running its default configuration.

If you have advanced knowledge of how a browser processes a website,you can begin to further optimize your plugin’s settings based on recommendations from performance testing tools like Speedom, GTmetrix, Pingdom, or Google Developers Page Speed Insights – though we usually recommend the results of these tools as less indicative.

We recommend focusing on the website speed, rather than wasting your time getting a virtual result by an automated tool. Try practically checking page load time by dedicated tools (like Speedom for example).

What are the recommended settings for setting up ezCache?

In fact, there isn’t one recommended ezCache configuration that can be used on any website.
Factors like themes, plugins, and hosting environments can vary greatly, so some settings may or may not work on different websites.

There is even an option like static files optimization – which will work perfectly on one website but won’t work at all on another. So sometimes leaving a setting completely disabled can give you the best result!

On the other hand, there are a number of key options – such as page cache saving, leverage caching for static files and GZIP compression – which are completely automated, they do not appear on your settings page but work quietly and perform their magic behind the scenes, making your website faster without you actually moving a finger.

Automated options

The following options work automatically behind the scenes and do not appear on the ezCache settings page:

  • Page \ Post Cache – (Static HTML file cache)
  • Leverage Browser Caching For Files
  • GZIP Compression
  • SSL Cache

Options Are you looking for a specific option?

Here is a brief overview of all the options available in the plugin.


  • Desktop – The number of pages and the size used (cached) by desktop browsers.
  • Mobile – The number of pages and the size used (cached) by mobile browsers.
  • Expired Cache – The number of pages and their size that are not in use because they have expired andare waiting to be cleaned (according to a scheduled task defined in the “Settings” tab).
  • JavaScript Files – The number of JavaScript files and their size that have been optimized and stored in cache memory.
  • CSS files – The number of CSS files and their size that have been optimized and stored in cache memory.
  • WebP Images – The number of images and their weight that went through the optimization action (in the cloud) and sent back to the website and are currently in use.


Cache saving
  • Do Not Save Cache For Familiar Users – This eliminates the use of cache memory for registered users or guests who have commented on posts.
  • Save Separate Cache For Mobile Devices – Save separate cache for mobile browsers and a separate file for browsers on computers, this setting is recommended only if the theme is not responsive and you use a theme or plugin that produces a separate version for mobile.
  • Do Not Save Cache For URL’S That Contain Parameters In The Address (Query String) – Do not save a cache for a page if the link recognizes parameters, for example?page_id=15 at the end of the URL.
  • Automatically Clear Cache For an Updated \ New Post \ Page – Make sure your visitors read the latest posts by clearing the cache when posting or updating a post and when users leave comments on a post.
Optimize files
  • Disable WordPress Emoji – Remove extra code related to Emoji from WordPress which was added recently to support Emoji in older browsers.
  • Optimize & Combine Google fonts – Combine multiple Google Fonts declarations into one.
  • WebP Cloud Image Optimization – WebP format is a modern image format that provides excellent compression for web images. WebP images are 26% smaller than PNG images, and 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images. (This option is available to ezCache Pro users \ ezCache users within the 30 days of experience \ websites stored on uPress servers regularly).
  • Minimize HTML – Minimize the cached HTML to make cached files smaller.
  • Minimize JavaScript Embedded – Include HTML embedded JavaScript in the minimization process.
  • Minimize CSS Embedded – Include CSS embedded HTML in the minimization process.
  • Enable JavaScript Minimization – Minimize JavaScript files to reduce their size.
  • JavaScript Combine In The Head Tag – Merge multiple JavaScript files at the top of the page into one file to reduce HTTP requests.
  • JavaScript Combine In The Page Body – Merge multiple JavaScript files in the body of a single file to reduce HTTP requests.
  • Enable CSS Minimization – Minimize CSS files to reduce their size.
  • CSS Combine – merge multiple CSS files into one file to reduce HTTP requests.
  • Cache Validity – For how long to keep the cache for each page, a recommended and effective starting point is one day, you should not set a very short cache validity.
  • Check Expired Cache – An automatically scheduled operation that checks for expired cached files and deletes them.

Advanced settings

Cache override
  • Canceling Caching For The Selected Page Types – (post page, pages, main page, home page, archive, tags, categories, feeds, search results, author archive).
  • Links (URLs) That Won’t Be Cached – (Type the excluded URL in the text box)
  • User Agents Which Will Never Receive Cached – Type the excluded User Agent in the text box
  • Clear Cache
  • Run a Speed Test
  • Purchase / Enter a License Code For ezCache PRO